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Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island 2nd ed (2012)


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The board game is in English

Robinson Crusoe is a cooperative survival game.

You are on an island where you have to survive or complete a certain mission (depending on the selected scenario), such as building a raft, creating a large signal bonfire or defeating cannibals.

During the game you will explore the island, hunt animals, build a wall, make weapons, tools, build a roof, etc. But not everything is so simple – there are dangers lurking on the island – hunted animals can attack and injure you, you can freeze, run out of food or you can face other disasters that you will have to constantly fight against.

Since this is a cooperative game, it can be played alone or with friends, but it is played before the game.

This is a very fun, engaging game with a very well developed core theme of survival. By the way, the name of the game mentions the "cursed" island for a reason 🙂

If you like to take risks, race against time and achieve the goal at the same time – it's definitely worth trying this game.


  1. An event. Each round, an event occurs that affects you and your camp in one way or another. It has a short-term effect that happens immediately, and a long-term effect that requires you to complete a certain task, without which a negative effect occurs (loss of food, life points, etc.).
  2. Morale phase – if the morale of the community is high, morale tokens are obtained, which help to complete tasks. If morale is low – morale tokens are lost.
  3. Build Phase/Action Phase – Players place their minion tokens on Build, Gather, Explore, Camp, or Rest actions. With the help of these actions, the camp is improved, food is collected, the island is explored and other actions are performed.
  4. Air phase – air and beast dice are rolled. Depending on the result, the amount of cold/rain or beast attack is determined. Then, depending on whether you have enough food and wood for heating, walls and weapons for defense, it is determined whether weather conditions and animals have harmed you or not.
  5. Night Phase – In this phase, you have to feed your team and the rest of the food spoils (except non-perishable, which is quite rare).

The scenario is played for a certain number of rounds, during which you have to complete a certain task. After completing it, the game is won. If even one team member dies, the game is lost.

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CE marking is a declaration by the product manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the European Commission directives applicable to it.

Warning! The toy is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Be careful with small parts that may detach or be bitten off, as a child may choke or inhale!

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60-120 min