Board game in English.
Warning! The product is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. There are small details that can cause choking.
Secret Hitler is a dramatic game of political intrigue and betrayal set in 1930s Germany. Each player is randomly assigned to be either a liberal or a fascist and one player becomes Secret Hitler. The Fascists coordinate among themselves to create discord and bring their leader to power, while the Liberals must discover and stop the Secret Hitler before it's too late. Liberals are always in the majority.
At the beginning of the game, players close their eyes and fascists appear to each other. Secret Hitler keeps his eyes closed but gives the thumbs up so the fascists know who he is. Fascists know who Hitler is, but Hitler doesn't know who fascists are and liberals don't know who nobody is.
The goal of the liberal team is to pass five liberal laws or kill Secret Hitler. The fascist team's goal is to pass six fascist laws or elect Hitler as chancellor after passing three fascist laws.
Players: 5-10
Duration: 45 minutes
Age: 13