The board game is in English
The CE marking is a declaration by the product manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the European Commission directives that apply to it.
Warning! The toy is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Be careful with small parts that may detach or be bitten off, as a child may choke or inhale!
Will merchants report their goods past the watchful Sheriff?
Notingham Great Market is full of goods from all over the kingdom. Much of it is perfectly legal, but Prince John wants no contraband. He assigned the Sheriff of Nottingham an important job: inspecting goods coming into the city. The sheriff is strict, but will never refuse a bribe that is sufficient in his eyes. Which merchant will bring the best goods and make the most money?
In Sheriff of Nottingham , players will take the role of the Sheriff in a circle and try to snoop through other players' goods and try to either find contraband or earn money from bribes. In this new edition of the game, you will find improved game rules and three expansions of the game that were previously released separately.